Monday, December 8, 2008

W.A 3. -- Final Draft

Dear Tamora Pierce,
I wasn't drawn to your books by the covers, or because I liked fantasy--my brother pushed them on me. Over Winter Break one year, Andrew grew tired of me asking to borrow a book, so he gave me my Christmas present early. I read the first Alanna book in two hours. I couldn't put it down; she was the heroine I'd longed for. After The First Adventure, I read all of Alanna's books, followed by the Circle books, and then even Trickster's Choice and Queen. Your writing is incredible, in that you flow so easily from character descriptions to plot and back again. In Alanna's first adventure, you describe the twin relationship Thom and Alanna have in such incredible detail that I almost feel I have a twin. They interact with their father so little, that we can immediately tell their relationship is awkward and strained. A major selling point of your novels is that your strongest characters are females (not enough writers are willing to take on the genre at all, let alone with independent and headstrong women). Your novels inspired me to stand up for myself, the same way Rosethorn and Sandry do, when doubters refuse to accept their circle, or Beka, when she tracked a cove for six months. All your heroines have time after time. I admire Numair's perseverance with teaching Daine how to heal, and Daja's courage in the face of being an outcast gives me hope. After the Trickster series, I got caught up in school work and lost a lot of free time, but I'm going to pick up where I left off with your books. With the coming release of Bloodhound, and the recent release of Melting Stones, I'm anxiously awaiting more from you.

Sincerely yours,Amanda Roland

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