Sunday, September 21, 2008

W.A. 1-- Draft 2

When I was in third grade, I was a total tomboy. I mean, it was bad. I was completely into building forts, and pushing the girls, pulling their hair, Pokemon, the works. I won't name names, but there was another girl in my school who was just like me. She loved with the same intensity and passion, and she loved the same things. We were as close as sisters--Literally, I think I spent more time at her house than at my own. She was my best friend.
Just a few weeks into 5th grade, we had a huge major blowout. I was "growing up", "maturing", turning into a "girl", whatever you want to use. I wore pink, and giggled about boys behind my hands with new friends. She didn't understand; I wasn't the same, and though I wanted her to change with me, so we experience it all together, it just wasn't the same. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest when she told me that I wasn't her best friend anymore; that she didn't want to see me, that she'd just forget about me. That was the worst; how can someone you know so well completely fade out of your mind? I cried for hours, just lying on my bed, pounding my fist into my pillow. It was the hardest I've ever cried, just sobbing my anger and frustration out. Nothing could cheer me up. My parents tried their hardest, telling me we'd make up the next day... or the next week... Or maybe I should just wait a little while, and everything would be right again. I kept putting myself out there, hoping she'd recognize my efforts as an apology and we could move past it. I called her, sat with her on the bus, everything. Not a peep, a nod, nothing.
We didn't talk for almost three months, and then once we did, it was still so awkward that we both just stopped trying. To this day I still think about her, and what she would say if I told her X, or Y. I miss her more than anything in this world, and I don't know how to fix it. She has new friends now, and so do I, but nothing even comes close to her... and probably never will.

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

This seems out of place after your first few sentences, "he loved with the same intensity and passion, and she loved the same things. " Maybe it would make more sense if you said what it was you both loved.

Pick huge or major here, "we had a huge major blowout. "

Good detail, "pounding my fist into my pillow."

Nice, "Not a peep, a nod, nothing."

Good ending.